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Golf Mongolia
1 Chase Road
Northfield, NH 03276 USA

Sponsor-a-Ball (one of the golf balls used on the expedition will be played in your honor)

$25 Level: Your name will be added to this website as a Golf Mongolia sponsor. In addition, I will write your name and email address on a golf ball that I will use in Mongolia. I will list on this site the exact GPS coordinates (accurate to 3 meters) where your ball was lost and on which day it was used.

$50 Level: In addition to writing your name and email address on a golf ball in Mongolia, I will propose a toast in your honor while drinking Chinggis vodka at the Khan Brau brewery in Ulaan Baatar.

$200+ Level: Become a Golf Mongolia Expedition Benefactor. You are showing your dedication to world exploration and travel. In addition to the benefits of sponsoring a ball, your name will be mentioned on the Home Page of the website and you will accrue enormous quantities of good Karma.

If you wish to place an advertisement or have more of this website space, please contact me by email (

Sponsor-a-Ball checks can be in any currency and should be payable to "Golf Mongolia".

Please fill out the form below:



City:_________________ State:_________ Country:__________ Postal Code:___________

Email Address:_________________________________________

Amount Enclosed:______________________

Thank You for your support of Golf Mongolia!

Andre Tolme

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